Health & Wellness Coaching
What is Health and Wellness Coaching?
Coaches support individuals who are seeking to enhance personal well-being and professional performance. They help clients make self-directed changes that are aligned with their personal values. Coaches help their clients engage in introspection, reflection and self-discovery; decide short- and long-term goals; implement behavioral changes to work toward those goals; and monitor progress along the way. Unlike therapeutic counseling, coaches take a positive approach that helps clients capitalize on their unique strengths and mitigate any potential vulnerabilities, address the "how" more than the "why," and focus on the present and future more than the past. As accountability partners, coaches help their clients create and sustain lasting changes to positively impact their personal and professional lives.
“A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you’ve always known you could be.”
– Tom Landry
Who I Am
As someone who wants to see others thrive, I promote healthy behavioral change, support, and accountability.
Achieve Your Goals
Strengthen your emotional intelligence, achieve balance, improve relationships, and increase self-awareness.
Focus Areas
Stress, weight loss, work/life balance, positive mindset, time management skills, and interpersonal relationships.